Saturday, March 26, 2016

Week 14 Innovative Learning Spaces

STATION 1 - Reflect & Sketchup / LDC

Goal: Re-design your learner's environment with a future focus in mind.
Reflect:Read these two sources:
Reflect based on those on:
  • How could you as a leader make your main learning spaces (ie. classroom) better from a digital and/or collaborative aspect?
  • How could even slight changes in your environment maybe help you to upskill as a more distributive and collaborative leader?
  • What (even tiny) changes could make the biggest difference to the learning outcomes?
Sketchup: Model the changes you’d like to make either using a simple Floor planning tool or the more advanced SketchUp that you can do 3D-wonders with!
Before you leave this station: Once your model is ready, screenrecord it as a video or picture (print screen, screen castify or publish that to G+community with the hashtag #sketchup

STATION 2 - Discuss & Meme / DCL

Goal: Understand what innovative learning spaces are.
Discuss:Choose a provocation to discuss with the facilitator and your fellow students:
  • We already had open-plan classrooms in the 1970's and got rid of them. Is the current mania for 'modern' or 'innovative' learning environments any different?
  • Where's the research to support the idea that modern learning environments improve student achievement?
  • How do modern learning environments cater for ALL students?
  • How do we future proof the modern learning environment?
  • MLE: Chuck out some desks and add in some beanbags?
  • The learning space isn't what's important, it's the pedagogy?
  • Do you need glass walls (as in Hamilton’s new school) to have those models and flight time?
  • You may like to come up with your own provocation as well?
Meme:After you feel you have discussed enough about that topic for the day, it's time to crystallise your thoughts and learning. Think about a powerful sentence that would sum up your thoughts. Make it into a picture/thought/quote/poster that you can share online.
  • Remember to use your own or open sourced images from the app you use. You can always take one now?
  • Which tools to use? Some make these by using just Paint, but your phone might already have an app that helps you with this? You could also try to use for example which is an add-on for Chrome, and has a poster option too.
Before you leave this station:Share that emerging thought or feeling about the conversations by posting it to a social media site (twitter, instagram, facebook, G+…) with the tags #ILS and #MindLabEd. Never know, you might have just created a meme!

STATION 3 - Analyse & Suggest / LDC

Goal: Consider the environment as the third teacher, from a learner's point of view.
Check that you have done both of your homework, if you haven’t start by doing those. Once you have filled in both of the surveys, look at the data.
Homework The 3rd Teacher Consider the '79 ways in which you can use design to transform teaching and learning'. Which three ways did you find most surprising? In each case explain why. Use the text boxes below to record your answer. Google Form to fill: in 79 ways and Google Form to fill in: Learning Spaces
View and analyse the data gathered from those forms Learning Spaces Responses and 79 Ways Responses and draw suggestions from it.
Add your analysis into this collaborative slide set, and put your name on the slide you are working so that others know that. Look at what others might have already done, and think what you would like to add.
You can for example
  • create a graphical analysis of interesting parts that could influence how we design a learning space
Suggest:Based on the analysis of the data, suggest on the same collaborative slide set for example:
  1. What are the perceptions of learning spaces from a learner's point of view?
  2. Was there anything in the data that stood out to you as interesting, why?
  3. How could we use this data to inform future decision making?
  4. How might we involve learners in the design of their learning spaces?
  5. What other questions could you include in the survey?
You can use as many slides as you like to present your data analysis (charts/graphs), as well as conclusions and recommendations - you do not need to use all of the data, only the parts that you think are relevant.
These readings may also help guide you and act as a reference:
Remember to claim your work, perhaps use a different colour background slide to distinguish it from the previous person? Also add your name.
Before you leave this station: Make sure you have named the slides you worked with. If you think of an interesting aspect some other student could work with, or how to continue your work, you could add a comment there?

STATION 4 - Design & 3D Model / DCL

Goal: Rehearse a universal design and prototyping mindset.
Familiarise yourself with the Universal Design Ideas and their guidelines. Then design an ideal classroom object you are missing (table, chair… ie.)
Model:3D model the classroom object by using We’ll print one of these 3D models out based on your votes on the G+Community at the end of this session.
Tinkercad is free, easy-to-learn online app anyone can use to create and print 3D models with. You need to sign In or Sign Up. For this we recommend you using a laptop (either your own or one provided by TMLBU).
If you haven't used Tinkercad before, remember to view these these videos first:
Alternatively you can watch these step by step guides made by Coco
Remember to save your 3D model often enough.
Before you leave this station:
When you have finished your design, save it as a (.stl file) and make it public. Then publish a picture of your model in our G+ Community and include the link to your model as a description or comment. Remember to also include a hashtag #tinkercad and one of these based on the session you are on (#tuewha #tueauck #wedwel #wedchch #wedgis #wedrot #thuauck #thuchch #thurot #satauck #satchch).
We need your model to be public to be able to access it (.stl file) for the possible 3D printing, and we'll need those hashtags for finding it from G+. Also sharing your models makes you part of the Maker Community!

STATION 5 - Read & Feedback / LDC

Goal: Witness maker culture and students as makerspace designers.
Read:Read first The 'Open University: Innovating Pedagogy report 2013' article about Maker Culture. Then read through the blog written by Justine Hughes’s students: We suggest you start from the oldest post and work your way upwards. This project was part of Justine’s LDC assignment and it was mostly run by her students.
Feedback:You can give feedback for these amazing students by commenting on their blog! Maybe you might even post some questions for them? You can also post your ideas and thoughts to our own G+community by using the #makerspace or #makerculture.
Before you leave this station:
Consider whether you would be interested in starting a similar project? If so, this framework might be interesting to look at Question Driven Pedagogy-Space-Technology Framework for Developing Learning Space
Maybe your LDC2 assignments change initiative involves changes into the learning spaces? If so, Lee, Tan, and Tout (2011) identified approximately 100 articles, reports, presentations and books that focused on the design and evaluation of learning spaces. These comments they raise in their literature review and the ‘Evaluation Learning Spaces’ Baseline Development Model' they created‘ might help you to get started.

STATION 6 - View & Video / DCL

Goal: Plan your own future digital learning environments for the last 16 weeks.
View:View the video where Milla and Dave discuss the characteristics of the line learner. And then read the one-pager about Online learning Milla made for you after filming that video. Something a bit more academic to consider.
Then reflect on these:
  • Do you think you’ll need to set up a study group? How will you do that?
  • How do you make sure you have the grit and perseverance needed for online learning?
  • How do you manage your time and gain knowledge while online?
  • How do you create and maintain an online identity?
  • Now you’ve come to the class each week, how do you remember to go online?
  • What do you want your physical environment to be like? Even if you study online, you are in a physical space of your choice.
Video:Film a video (by yourself or with peers on the same station) to remind you what you need to keep in mind when you start to study fully online. Where, when and how do you plan to study?
You can film yourself talking, screen cast or make another kind of a presentation. Make it inspiring!
Before you leave this station:Please consider sharing the video in the G+community with the tag #DLE. Or at least save it somewhere where you can access it easily, so that you can view it on the first week of the “Research Informed Practice

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